You’re probably here because you’re interested in investing in multifamily real estate but are new when it comes to the process. Even if you’ve already dabbled in the new construction space, either in single-family or multi—the following guide is designed to help you see the big picture.
We hope this simplifies the FIG process for you and answers a question or two. If you still have questions or are thinking about reserving an investment, let us know.
Step 1: Due-Diligence (pre-contract)
- Talk to a FIG Professional to review your investment needs.
- Select a development to invest in (examples).
- Get approved with a lender and finalize lot + upgrades to determine the final price.
Step 2: Contract & Deposit Stage
- Complete a FIG Purchase Contract & Disclosure Signoff.
- Day One: Deposit $10k to the title company.
- Once Plat Records: Deposit the remainder of 10% of the purchase price to the title company.(don’t worry, we’ll walk you through all of this)
Step 3: Construction Close to Income
- FIG will give you a 30-day notice to close on your construction loan.
- Once you close, the builder pulls your permit and begins construction asap.
- Watch your email for monthly on-site video updates and finalize property management. Receive your final certificate of occupancy, finalize your long term loan, and let your investment roll!
Note from the team: We understand that many of you are first-time investors. We want you to know that we put extra effort into guiding you through each step of this process. If you ever have a question, let us know!