Watch the Drone Footage Here: facebook.com/Lightbenderrmedia/videos/1241297189386930
Over on Star Road in Nampa, Idaho lies the massive 52-acre site containing a 400k sq ft factory aimed at building manufactured homes in Treasure Valley.
Boise-based Prefab Logic will be heading up the $102.5 million project. Their goal? to build entire dwelling units (apartments, hotel rooms) entirely in-house. This includes all wiring, plumbing, fixtures, etc. and will be distributed across the country.
“Partnering with a robotics company, the plant will use automation to speed up the manufacturing process. Several hundred people will work at the plant in an array of jobs in engineering, project management and a host of construction tasks.” – Boisedev
Deemed “Project Autovol” (Automated Volumetric Modular Manufacturing Factory), project leaders selected Nampa as their site location due to easy freeway and rail system access, with a centralized location and low traffic congestion.
Everything should be up and running next year.