FIG’s BIG Plans for 2021!

Happy holidays to our FIG family!

In spite of the pandemic, we’re happy to see that multi family real estate has stayed relatively consistent (even gaining) during this year! But 2020 wasn’t without its challenges. We sincerely wish you the best as you navigate a COVID-19 world.

2021 will undoubtedly bring new challenges and opportunities as the US housing market continues to grapple with housing shortages throughout the nation. Our team is committed to bringing you as many solutions to this problem as we can.

New projects in Arizona and Utah are on their way!

In early Q1 of next year, keep an eye out! We’re finally making it to a new county in the Salt Lake Metro. One that we’ve never worked in before—and where the returns are looking excellent! And speaking of opportunities, we’re close to the rollout of our Federal Opportunity Zone project in Arizona!

Big things are on the horizon as more FIG projects throughout UT, AZ, and ID are in various stages of negotiation and approval for Q2 and Q3 2021. If you’re interested in a particular market or project, reach out to anyone on our team and we’ll help out as best we can.

Happy investing!

– The FIG Team

FIG’s Next Project! (details coming soon)

Our team will be releasing a new multifamily project to the open market in early 2021. Let us know if you’re interested by contacting someone on the FIG team or by joining our waitlist here: Join the Waitlist

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