“The Market Is Always Good If You Can Find a Way to Provide Value to it!”
Steven Bond, from RE/MAX Equity and FIG, has been recently featured on “The Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever” with Joe Fairless, who runs a very popular real estate investing podcast.
To listen to the full free podcast. Click on the link: joefairless.com
Joe Fairless was fresh out of college with his crisp, new advertising degree, when he moved from Texas to New York City so he could work alongside and compete with the best of the best in advertising. He started out as a junior product manager, and before long was the youngest VP at an NYC advertising agency, all before the age of 30.
But as a fan of Tony Robbins, he was familiar with the six basic human needs, and felt like his career in advertising wasn’t meeting the last two for him: he wanted to feel like he was growing and contributing to something that was meaningful to him on a personal level, and advertising wasn’t cutting it. So he decided it was time to leave the industry.
Fortunately, he invested in learning real estate while working at his full-time job. He went to seminars, read books, and received mentorship from people who had done what he wanted to do. By the time he left advertising in December 2012, I owned four single-family homes that produced monthly income. It wasn’t enough to live off of but it sure helped out considering I no longer had a job.
After deciding to leave the launch Fairless Investing, which now controls over $21M worth of real estate by raising money with investors to buy apartment communities. Alongside this business, he’s also started a podcast called “The Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever” where he interviews successful real estate investing professionals and uncovers their best advice.
In a recent Best Real Estate Investing Advice Podcast Joe interviews Steven Bond who has been the #1 producing RE/MAX agent in Utah since 2012 and in 2015 was #4 in the United States for all of RE/MAX. Steven is the Broker/Owner of RE/MAX Equity which is based in Provo Utah. He is the President and Founder of FIG (Fourplex Investment Group), wherein 2015 He and his Team sold over $93M in real estate properties. Steven explains how he was born and raised in Mesa Arizona and got married at the young age of 21 moved around from Utah then up to Seattle and then decided he wanted to leave the corporate world and get into real estate.
He always thought he would be in real estate investing. So he started his career in real estate in January of 2007, right before this market completely changed on all of us, and while it was collapsing, was constantly looking for better ways to do real estate. Steven was actually a full-time student at Brigham Young University while he was building his real estate team. One thing that sets him apart is that he found ways to increase profits to his real estate business by double digits every year despite the collapsing market around him. He found some ways to treat the market great and the market has returned the favor.
Steven and his partner, Mike Miller have started the Fourplex Investment Group. Where they now do new construction multifamily developments. These multifamily communities developed by FIG tend to be in tech communities in Utah and expanding into the Texas market in 2016. FIG has a plan to be in 3 new states by the end of 2018 as Steven Bond and Mike Miller expand their multifamily model to new markets.
Joe continues on asking questions such as “What is your best real estate investing advice ever?”, “Best book you’ve ever read, and one thing you’ve taken away from it?”, “Best ever personal growth experience and what’d you learn from it?”, as well as “Best deal you’ve ever done?”.
Steven graciously replies with answers that are truly amazing giving insight into not only secrets of the real estate investing industry but into a man that really takes what he has learned from great mentors and actually puts them into action.
Steven has become very successful in his endeavors and learned much along the way have made many mistakes. But in his own words “…you’re going to fail, anyone that is successful in this life has failed as many times as they have succeeded. But you fail forward, learning from your mistakes…just keep plowing forward, and you will get there!”.
Steve has indeed learned and improved upon his mistakes. This podcast is great and very insightful of the true inner working of a great man. Steven Bond is inspiring both in the business world and personal relations, doing good for the communities and people he associates with. Check out the podcast link at the top of the page for full insights and details.
For more excellent real estate investing advice check out the Joe Fairless Podcast shows and subscribe at joefairless.com/show There you can listen to the latest episode of his daily real estate podcast, and learn from other great and successful people.
Work sited: joefairless.com, growtheverywhere.com